Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Dreams suck

Well, Monday involved a lot of talking!! I started back on SLT today and it was ok, had to do training so the day went fairly quick and finishing at 4 again is a bonus! Thanks to Karen and Mike who helped me out. When I got home, I had promised myself that I had to do several tasks before sitting round with the ps2. Anyway, I did succeed. I updated the blog fully and ironed some clothes, cooked myself some food, watched the end of Thirteen which is awesome by the way. My friend Anthony who was the first person i met in Cardiff Uni rang me and we chatted for about 45 minutes!!! He had his jaw broken about 6 weeks ago, sounded bad but he's better now. He's applying for jobs all over the shop (sounds familiar) and good luck to him! Will see him in January, can't wait. Got off the phone with him and managed to squeeze a few goes in on the PS2 before resorting to the guitar. The guitar seems to be really helping me at the moment, something I can stick my head in and forgot all the shit that continues to fly around my life. Then, the phone goes again and its my lovely friend Bex Kennedy. Damn, I love this girl. We had a wicked chat for ages, and its like we've never been apart. When we used to sit next to each other in work, we always knew what the other was thinking and we always used to share secrets. We chatted for ages too, and I was chatted out when we finished. Anyway, Bex you know that I know that he loves you already, so get in there girl!!

After this I was feeling wicked, felt really loved!! My mum was on the phone during the day and I also managed to fit in time to talk to my younger brother, Josh. Sorry for embarrassing you in town mate but I just couldn't resist it! I'll pay for a cinema and takeaway night when we get together on Friday!!! GEOFFREY!!!! HAHAHA! (sorry private joke). It was getting on a bit now, but we stuck the Brotherhood of the Wolf on. What a wicked film. I couldn't keep my eyes open at the end because it is a bit of an epic, but I'll finish watching it tonight!! Kung fu mixed with period drama and scary ass wolves! Quality! Oh and it's French so your guaranteed a bit of the old rumpy pumpy!!

I went to bed feeling so happy, but when I i awoke at around 7 in the morning, I had hit rock bottom again. Dreams really do put you in a position that you just cannot escape andthats why they are scary. They can seem so real, yet when you wake up you know that it wasn't but they can still play on your mind for days afterwards. Put it this way, I won't got into details because its just not worth it. I had to work a late night in work, so I lay in bed for a long time this morning trying to get back to sleep, but I failed. The dream was continually floating around my head. It caused me to really have a bad morning and I was quite close to approaching a relapse. I tried to be strong and eventually I fought the law, and I won!! It's now twenty past 7 and I have 40 minutes left in work. I am on my break so don't worry I'm not abusing work! As soon as I get home we're off to watch Bridget Jones 2, and then we're into the second half of the week.

As Dave Lister says in Red Dwarf 2 to Rimmer - Be Strong big man.
Rimmer's reply - Smeg off dog food breath!
Today, my strength came through and I think I'm returning to the person that I was before her. Happy go lucky, always up for a laugh and not afraid of change. My brother Matt said that he didn't like who I'd become with her. That really made me think, and I certainly had changed, let's hope that I can change now for the better and take over the world. Watch out Earth, the slimes coming home!!!


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