Friday, October 08, 2004

Better get myself Connected!

So, the internet is back in action. Thank goodness! I had it installed on Thursday but it didn't work and someone had to come out today, then I spent half an hour on my mobile ringing them to fix it!! Probably cost a fortune, but the net is back!!! Quick re-cap on the week!

Wednesday- Got up and promptly was sick and had awful sore throat. James insisted that I ring in sick so I went back to bed until 2 o'clock. Not the best nights sleep. Probably didn't help the cause. A couple of weird, horrible dreams freaked me out. When I awoke, I slouched on the sofa and was soon joined by Nora who was also ill. We chatted and didn't do much else!! James came back and had to move more stuff. I was feeling minging so I stayed in again, but this time it was all 3 of us. The first night we'd all been together in the place, so we had some food and drinks and watched Hollow Man. I relaxed and felt really comfortable with them and with myself. I went to bed about 12.30, and when I got into bed, I managed to take a whole breathe which made me feel safe. The first time this had happened for 5 weeks. It took me a while to get to sleep, but I was soon out for the count and only woke up to my alarm at 9.30. I felt damn good!

Thursday- My Mum came over in the morning and met Nora, before we went out for a coffee. It was good, and me and Mum had a good chat, and although I had a difficult five minutes I was soon feeling pretty good again. Mum stayed for a while and then made her way to Nan's. NTL turned up and installed the net, but then it never worked! Me and Nora then went to get our haircut. Mental note to self - NEVER DO THIS AGAIN!!! It was a really good laugh, but when you normally pay a fiver to get your barnet chopped, having to pay £18 makes your butthole quiver!! Yes, she took ages on it, and yes it looks pretty good, and other people have said that not just me!!!! I was still feeling rough, but had promised to meet Katie Hughes from work for a drink. I felt anxious before hand, because I hadn't had to go out on my own like this for a very long time. Katie's cool and is my of my close friends from HBOS, but it felt weird! As soon as I got there though, I just completely relaxed and I felt great. Katie's sister Amy was also there, and we had a wicked chat, a few drinks and a bash on the karaoke. So, this goes out to all the HBOS'ers who've never heard me sing. If you want to find out what it was like, go ask Katie!!
Picked up a Chinese on the way home, and Amy came back to mine and we watched a film and chatted for ages. Katie had work the next day which was a shame otherwise she would of come over too.

It's amazing how a couple of low days get immediatly erased because of a couple of good days. Thursday was a good day.

Friday morning, and I still felt like crap, so I phoned in and went back to bed before the NTL man woke me up. He fixed the net and off he trotted. I on the other hand, had a raging headache, blocked nose and felt like I could sleep for Britain. I stayed awake though, so I could get a good sleep tonight. Nora came back from her girly night out about 12, and she was in a right mess, so we both went to get some fresh air by taking the dog for a walk!!!

As for this weekend, hopefully, the flu won't hold me back to much, and I seriously cannot wait for the WWE on Sunday. I know it's sad but this is a dream I've had since being a little kid. I have always wanted to see an event live. Here's my chance - WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


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