Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I need a HERO! Or maybe just a pleasant pleasure!

The day started of badly with a dream which could of made me phone in sick to work. But, I battled straight on cracked on with my work and tried to entertain some others. I had a 1990-2001 lyrics quiz which I used as a quiz all day, due to the lack of a team leader! Exploitation of HBOS resources always good!!! Had the take the piss regarding yesterdays Spandau Ballet/Ross Kemp confusion, and again it made me laugh my ass off!!

After work, i had started to feel pretty good, so I popped to James house and then came home for some food! It was cinema club time so I got ready and waited for Karen to call round. She was running late so I played on the guitar for a bit. The last two weeks have seen me play the guitar more than I have done in the last year. Strange!!!!

Karen arrived and we went to the Sringbok to meet a smaller version of the cinema club. Just Perry, and Don from the boys. Matt had stayed home. The film was Hero and was awesome. (Review soon but I have been slack and haven't done last weeks yet!). Just as I was goin into the screen, I bumped into andrea's sister Jo. My stomach tightened but I wasn't too bad, and it was cool speaking to her. Jo was always really cool, and I got on with her. It wasn't awkward, but still a little unnerving. But, next time it would be fine.

Happy birthday to my Mum! Going to Bath with her tomorrow for food and shopping. Might have to spoil her! Need to get a way for a day and enjoy myself. This is a great opportunity. Big shout out to Owain's top trump game, I needed a tenner lady after looking at the photos!


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