Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Beach boys greatest hits

On Sunday the 2nd of January, what happened? Not much as it turned out!
Josh was in work so I was a taxi, picking him up and dropping him off (in reverse order obviously). I stayed at home and basically did naff all, was very tired though if I remember correctly! Got Josh and came home, messed around on the PS2 and the pc etc. Watched a film called Straw Dogs. Apparently the most controversial film ever made by the British film Industry. I have to say that this statement is a little far fetched. Banned at a time when videos had just came out and repeated viewings of violence would apparently make you want to stab your mates. The violence is quite harsh but dated. The rape scene is nothing compared to the likes of Irreversible. My brother described it as an adult version of Home alone. I kid you not, it is!! It's worth a watch but not expect the most disturbing film ever made, go watch Kids instead.

Josh was in work on Monday too, so I again was taxi man. Watched The goonies in the afternoon and played the guitar a lot. I then made a trek into town to have a look around. Had that awful feeling when you can't remember if you just left your keys at home or you lost them, so ended up buying 50 First dates on DVD! I know that I only saw this film a couple of weeks ago, but I really love this film. It's really clever and the ending makes me feel warm inside!! A Big softy I know! Anyway, we walked home from town and ended up watching Aladdin. Before watching 50 First dates!!!!

Tuesday - I was feeling a little rough again so we got up late, sorted some of Josh's stuff out and then had a bit of a tidy up before going into town. We went to the cinema to watch National Treasure. Great old skool film! I loved it and the 2 hours ten minutes flew by! Walked home afterwards and then immediately packed Josh's stuff into the car and drove to Rhoose. Mum had cooked me a roast dinner! Hooray! I was feeling like crap now so I watched a Peter Kay DVD and then drove home. James had had some bad news so all in all not a great day. I tried to go to sleep but I was having trouble breathing now so I kept waking up.

Wednesday - Went to work but lasted about 10 minutes and felt like crap so went to the doctors. Got a bloody chest infection now so coughing up some right crap and constrained to the house again! Can anyone be this unlucky! Obviously, they can! Came home and just watched t.v that's all I can be motivated to do at the moment!


Blogger gav the hardcore legend said...

can already juggle but funnily enough my dad mentioned something about goal setting and it made me think about a few things! have to see what happens in the world of Evans - am also thinking of changing the name of the blog to something a little more accessible!whats you reckon?

12:57 PM  

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