Monday, November 29, 2004

It's spitting get inside, get inside now, its that fine rain!

Thursday morning and Paul decided he was leaving early! KNOB! He had to get up and go at 9, I just went back to sleep and woke up about 11. I lay in bed for a long time, I watched the whole first series of Phoenix nights and then watched Godsend. Please do not watch this movie, it has a great idea and a great actor (De niro) but the ending is lame. It wasn't until about 5 that I actually got out of bed and started to do something!!

Football was at 6 so I got ready for that and James came too. It was really good this week, it was mostly HBOSer's and it was a good match. Although, my carpet burn and blisters are bloody sore!!! After this I made my way back to Rhoose and had to sort out the place, before going and getting a Chinese for me and Josh. We watched a few episodes of Phoenix nights and then went to bed, as we were both knackered!

Friday - had to go to work, but it was pretty easy. Had my interview feedback for the Team leaders job and it was very positive, looks like it was pretty close at the top and I just missed out. But, the management have said that they are going to stick me on a couple of training courses and hopefully get me ready for the next set of team leader jobs. Bonus! On the way home , the traffic was awful, and I had to pop into Tesco at Barry to get food and beers.
Josh was home and had invited a few mates round so we set up the PS2, Gamecube and karaoke machine downstairs in the lounge. The night was a blast. Ben's rendition of My way was great, Josh kicked ass to Aint that a kick in the head and Gareth rocked on with the nest of them!! The crate of beers took a battering and so did the neighbours ear drums, as when Hannah came over she said you could here the singing at the top of the street! check out the photos here!

Have to say that I had a right laugh and I think everyone else did too. Ben left bout 1ish and everyone else retreated to bed bout 2!!

Saturday - Slightly hungover but not too bad!!! Tidied the whole house and went and picked up the folks from the bus station. They had a great time and the top I had from Canada is well nice! Should keep me warm on those lonely nights! Dropped them all back to Rhoose and then had to drive my own piece of crap car back to Cardiff! Boo friggety hoo! When I got back I had loads to sort out, before sitting down with X factor, a beer and some grub. James and Nora went out, so I quite happily saw Rowetta get booted off show! Stayed in and saved some cash! Ended up watching more Phoenix nights and going bed bout 2!

Sunday - Got up early and walked into town to get some xmas presents. Was quite a successful trip, as I purchased a few goodies, went and saw Josh in Crane's and bought a guitar pedal and wire. Didn't seem that busy in town, although I think I spent about an hour in the new HMV!! Got home and chilled out with my new toy. Pumped up the volume and rocked out for a bit. James and I then went over the Albany and watched Liverpool vs Arsenal. Great game and before Owzy says anything - I never drank!!! Well, the end result was a surprise with Neil Mellor belting in a 25 yard pearler in the 92nd minute. Arsenal were stunned, we went home happy!
The pedal again took a battering before we watched Harry Potter 3 again and I went bed bout 10! Shattered I was!


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