Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Man, I'm really ticked off!

So, Tuesday! Well, good and bad things today. James was off sick but was in the process of sorting out his side of the bond etc for the flat so things are moving forward. Looks like I will have my new pad ready for October 2nd. A week before Owzy and WWE hit Cardiff! Good news all round.

After, the interview on Friday, I found out today that I didn't get the job, and was quite disappointed for all of an hour. I would of liked to of got it, of course I would, but afterwards I thought I can get depressed again or just crack on with everything else. I'll apply for something else and hopefully be successful with that, there's going to be very little feeling sorry for myself now. I had a little relapse when I went to sleep last night but I got through it and had a good nights sleep. No more bad dreams (fingers crossed). Some things still feel strange. I went to Asda after work to get some food and didn't have a clue what to get because I was only cooking for one! I managed to get a few things, went home, sorted some logistics (water bill etc), and then went straight back out to the cinema.

The cinema club was split again, but this week Bex came along for a chat and I had a great time. Matt J and Julia came with me and Bex to see Collateral (See review on my film log tomorrow). Perry, Don and Karen went to watch Anchorman. We all met before and the films finished at the same time which was handy cos I was giving Karen a lift home!! All in all, not a bad day.

RT-yes the photos were from Friday - Cheryl's leaving do!

Knackered now, so straight to bed!


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